Street Photography in Brighton England

In Our latest news, Photography, Travel by Alwood WickLeave a Comment

Street Photography in Brighton England

I spent a day walking the streets of Brighton in the UK over the weekend which is a seaside city in England often referred to as London-by-the-sea.  It holds a special place in my wife’s and my heart as we attended Sussex University, one of the Universities based in Brighton.  During those years, especially during the summer months, much of our time was spent on the seafront when we should really have been at the lecture theatre! The lure of Brighton with its diversity of shops, cultural mix and personal artistic expressions was way to strong to be ignored.

You can be assured that anytime you visit this City by the sea, you will find something stimulating to see, do or eat.  When taking photos walking the streets, stealth during observation is critical.  Colours, shapes, shades and characters are always there for the capturing but you need to walk with your eyes wide open and your smiles on the ready. Sometimes a quick engagement or encouragement towards the intended photo subject works wonders and they won’t mind you taking their photos.

Photography: Street Photography in Brighton England

For all of the images on this particular photo walk, I tested a new Fuji X-E1 mirror-less camera with the new Fuji 18-55mm lens. I had heard so many reports of how great this little camera was for street photography and portraiture and as you will know, I am normally a Nikon man when it comes to digital photography but felt the lure of trying a new system camera.  I have to say that I have been blown away by the quality and ease of use of this Fuji X-E1 and the fact that it looks like a classic film camera and very compact really suits this style of photography.  With the lack of an anti-aliasing filter on the sensor, you really notice the difference in the sharpness of images and Fuji’s legendary ability to capture beautiful colours really comes through on this kit.  It is slower to use than my full frame digital counterparts, but didn’t really find this a hinderance as the image quality was amazing along with the compactness and ease of use.

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